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Survey Reports

(Designed for PACE, in 2021, 2022)

Peace Action Community Estonia (PACE) is an NGO focusing on social inclusivity in Estonia. PACE requested to design two of their survey reports in a coherent style and colour with the designed logo used in an event. Reports are about Ida-Virumaa county youth's future and Awareness and contribution to the security of Estonia.

Visual Communication     |   Recommendation and Implementation

My goal was to create a visually appealing report that would effectively communicate the survey findings to the intended audience. The colour palette and font system that would be used throughout the report were designed based on the event’s logo, as PACE requested. The colour palette was vibrant, but not overwhelming, and added visual interest to the report. On the other hand, the front and back covers matched the overall design theme in echoing the youth’s undefined futures, giving the report a polished and professional look.


The outcome is mutually pleasing as it carries out the objective of the surveys. It can also help PACE to build up a visual identity of the organisation.

(English translation): Survey report: Entrepreneurial attitudes among young people in Ida-Virumaa
Ida-Viru Social Hackathon 2021 (logo).png
The request from PACE was to design reports in a coherent style with the logo they used for an event in the youth programme.
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Data visualisations of ages and schools of participants. 

(English translation): The study consisted of twelve questions and included 25 focus groups of young people from Ida-Virumaa.
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Data visualisation on their views of the current situation in Ida-Virumaa.
"How do you appreciate the life of young people in your home area (on a scale of 1-7)? "
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Visualising with icons and labelling with percentages to highlight the findings on the opportunities and success experiences in Ida-Virumaa.

- 60% of the respondents pointed out positive experiences mainly participation in hobby groups and the development of their own hobbies. 

- 48% of the respondents stated learning outcomes in general education schools.

- 20% of the participants also mentioned participation in society and activism through the youth parliament, voluntary work and non-formal learning.

(English translation): Unemployment was identified as the biggest problem: there are few job offers, they do not meet the needs and abilities of young people, and unsuitable jobs have to be accepted for income.
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Visualised the conclusions of the study with customised icons.

- Young people are relatively satisfied with their quality of life but lack more opportunities for self-development and participation.

- About half of the focus group would be willing to contribute to the development of the region on a voluntary basis, but they are not ready to take the lead.

- Slightly more than half of young people have received entrepreneurship education and this has increased their interest in entrepreneurship, but they have not activated young people to address the social problems of their home country.
All icons used in the images were edited from Flaticon Contents
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The security report is based on the style of the youth report and used the composition of circles with a gradient from Red (danger) to Turquoise (the colour of PACE’s logo) to compose an inclusive and harmonious visual.


This survey consisted of five questions, Q1 &2 were open-ended and Q3-5 were multiple-choice. Organised the data in a logical and intuitive manner and made it easy for the reader to understand, the data representation of Q1 &2 focused on the content of the answers, and Q3-5 focused on the accumulation of each answer.

(English translation): Survey report: attitudes towards peace and security in Estonia
A comprehensive graph on the demographic of respondents (Age; Gender; Nationality)

(English translation): 1004 residents of the Republic of Estonia aged 18 and older responded to the survey. 489 were male and 515 were female. 674 are Estonian, 261 are Russian and 69 are other nationalities.
Responses to Question 1. "What does peace mean to you?" were divided to make each answer stand out rather than in comparison with the percentage. 

- 39% - Harmony, well-being and family values ​​were associated with peace 

- 39% - Peace as the absence of war and conflict.

- 11% - Lack of domestic political stability and political polarization.

Data representation is the primary focus of the design. After carefully analysing the valuable insights gathered from 2 surveys provided by PACE, I identified important points that needed to be emphasised and created clear and readable visuals to match the contents. Using icons, charts, tables and graphs to present the survey findings in a visually engaging way to ensure the survey reports are informative and easy to understand.


Also, I closely worked with the client to ensure the design accurately conveyed their analysis and effectively communicated all other findings in the reports. For example, the respondents from the Youth survey were a small size focus group, hence, the visualisation emphasises respondents’ comments and ideas instead of comparing the accumulation of their answers; The security report is constructed with questions and answers, therefore, its layout is built as the form of dialogue.

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Oppositely, responses to Question 2. "In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges to peace and security in Estonia? Please name the most important first." is in a pie chart to compare the importance. 

(English translation): Domestic political conflicts and major societal divisions were identified as the biggest security concerns, mentioned by 32% of respondents. 
23% of respondents to be relations with Russia, 11% by Estonia's defence policy decisions and 10% by foreign threats and relations with partner countries.
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(English translation): Question 5. In what way do you contribute or would you agree to contribute to the prevention of the above-mentioned threats and to the maintenance of peace and security?
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Since each percentage is the number of respondents who chose the answer, this table shows the data with a base number of all respondents.

- 85% of the 1004 respondents considered it a priority to set an example for others by living peacefully on their own.

- 69% of the respondents considered it necessary to behave respectfully towards others in public spaces and on social media.
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All icons used in the images were edited from Flaticon Contents
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